Hit the ground running

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Hey, hi, and hello there! I'm not sure how to begin, so I'll just dive right in: my name's Erin, and I started this place as a way to get a lot of thoughts out of my head and into reality. I'm finding reasons why I need to step up my game in all areas of my life: financially, at the office, at home, and even more personally in areas like style, self-care, and, well, sanity.
I'm probably a bit late to the party, both in terms of blogging and the calendar date. It's almost the end of February, but I'm finding myself with a bit of a January first mentality: I need to get my life in order, and it needs to start now. The sloppy girl eating lunch (and ok, sometimes dinner too) at her desk while doing email surrounded by mountains of notes while she tries to catch up needs to be replaced by a confident woman who has the time to tend to her own needs and doesn't have to display how hard she's working at every moment. The $60k in student loan debt needs to be replaced by things for the future like retirement plans and a home. The physical and emotional crash at the end of every day that leads to a glass of wine and comfort food needs to be replaced by the energy to enjoy free time and enrich my life.
Who's with me? Anyone else ready to stop zoning out and get on the ball? Stay tuned to stumble through attempts to be more efficient, more effective, and have more fun, and I'd love to hear about your experiences doing the same.
We're all just zooming along, trying not to hit anything.


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